Quest Details

Let's make your life epic together!

This course curriculum is the online component only. 

This is a 6 month program developed to help enhance your self-esteem and self-worth so you can discover your life path purpose. You can also complete it at your own pace.

We'll use a fusion of therapeutic tools, the hero's journey and real life magic
to help you gain clarity so you can offer your gifts back to the world . 

Purpose of this Quest

  • Develop self-love and expand it outwards

  • Discover your hero story, your archetype, super powers & magical gifts

  • Eliminate narrative blocks

  • Release deep rooted shame, blame, jealousy and anger

  • Re-connect with your inner child and bring them out to play in a new world of imagination

  • Gain clarity on the next steps of your journey

  • Create a powerful manifestation rituals to help you attract what you desire in the personal and professional realms (friends, love, work and beyond! )

  • Open a portal to a whole new world

  • Connect more deeply to the spirit realm

  • Confidently see yourself as an adventurer on this epic journey through life

  • Understand your life purpose and discover your unique gifts that you want to offer the world

If you answer yes to any of these, then this Quest is designed for you!

(bonus points if you say it out loud!)

  • I feel like something is missing and I want life to feel more magical

  • I'm so hard on myself and I feel like I'm not getting ahead

  • I've been looking for a boost and motivation to accomplish my goals

  • I want to feel and be more attractive when it comes to relationships and work

  • I want to feel more confident when I talk to others and tell people about myself

  • I'm ready to offer more to the world but I don't know what my 'thing' is

  • I'm ready for a big shift in my life and I'm ready to step into my true power


  • 1
    Prologue for Your Quest
  • 2
    MODULE 1 | CALL TO ADVENTURE | Level 1: Awaken your inner hero + impacts of trauma on your narrative
    • Level 1 - Inner Hero | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Trauma and Super Powers | Main Quest Transcript
    • Trauma Links | Side Quest
  • 3
    MODULE 1 | CALL TO ADVENTURE| Level 2:  Crystallize your values 
    • Level 2 - Values | Main Quest
    • Discover your values | Main Quest Transcript
    • Compendium of Values | Resource
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
  • 4
    MODULE 1 | CALL TO ADVENTURE | Level 3: Unlock your hero archetypes
    • Level 3 - Hero Archetype | Main Quest
    • Hero Class | Main Quest Transcript
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Compendium of Hero Classes | Resource
    • Archetype Tests | Resource
    • Me as a hero | example for explore your lore
    • About Archetypes | Side Quest
  • 5
    MODULE 1 | CALL TO ADVENTURE | Level 4: Create your motivational motto 
    • Level 4 - Your Motto | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Help with Affirmations | Resource
    • Psychology Today Article on Mottos | Resource
    • Manifesto Examples | Resource
  • 6
    MODULE 2 | REFUSAL OF THE CALL | Level 1: Uncovering blocks + Anger Release
    • Level 1 - Overcoming Blocks + Anger Release | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Alan Watts . How to Get Out of Your Own Way | Video Resource
  • 7
    MODULE 2 | REFUSAL OF THE CALL | Level 2: Shine light on repeated self-sabotaging patterns
    • Level 2 - Shifting Unconscious Patterns | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Guided Meditation for Self-Love | Resource
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | Side Quest
    • Unhelpful Thinking Habits With Alternatives | Resource
    • Iceberg Analogy | Resource
  • 8
    MODULE 2 | REFUSAL OF THE CALL | Level 3: negative thoughts
    • Level 3 - Law of Attraction - what are you attracting? | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Level 3 - Science of Law of Attraction | Resource
    • Cool LOA Videos | Resource (highly recommended!)
  • 9
    MODULE 2 | REFUSAL OF THE CALL  | Level 4: vibrations & energy
    • Level 4 - Vibrations & Energy | Main Quest
    • Energy : Draining, Boosting, Calming | Main Quest Resource
    • Energy Drains | Resource + Quiz
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
  • 10
    MODULE 3 | MEET YOUR INNER MENTOR  | Level 1: Self-Love
    • Level 1 - Self-Love | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Love Languages | Resource
    • Daylio App | Resource
    • Song Recommendations | Resource
  • 11
    MODULE 3 | MEET YOUR INNER MENTOR | Level 2: The magic of words
    • Level 2 - Self-Talk | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • The power of our mind and our words | Resources
    • 7 Affirmations that Attract Abundance and Get You into the Vortex | Resource
  • 12
    MODULE 3 | MEET YOUR INNER MENTOR | Level 3: Inner Journey
    • Level 3 - Inner Journey | Main Quest
    • Drumming for Journeys | Resource
    • Trust Yourself | Video Resource
  • 13
    MODULE 4 | CROSSING THE THRESHOLD | Level 1: Visualizing a new narrative
    • Let the Light In! | Main Quest
    • Visualize to Materialize | PDF resource
    • 5 Reasons Why You Should Visualize | Resource
  • 14
    MODULE 4 | CROSSING THE THRESHOLD | Level 2: Setting Intentions in All Realms 
    • Wheel of life | Main Quest
    • You Are the Creator | Video Resource
  • 15
    MODULE 4 | CROSSING THE THRESHOLD | Level 3: Facing challenges you set
    • Making Small Shifts | Main Quest
    • 10 Steps For Making Meaningful Lasting Change | Resource
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
  • 16
    MODULE 5 | TESTS, ALLIES & ENEMIES | Level 1: Challenges as blessings and lessons
    • Changing Perspective on Challenges | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • The Universe Gives You What Is In Your Vibration | Resources
  • 17
    MODULE 5 | TESTS, ALLIES & ENEMIES | Level 2: healthy relationships
    • Healthy Relationships | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Love Languages | Resource
  • 18
    MODULE 6 | INNERMOST CAVE | Level 1: Preparing for meaningful long term change
    • You Can't Rush Your Healing | Main Quest
  • 19
    MODULE 6 | INNERMOST CAVE | Level 2: Connecting with your inner child
    • Inner Child Time Travel Meditation and Devi Prayer | Main Quest
    • 7 Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear You Say | Resource
  • 20
    MODULE 6 | INNERMOST CAVE | Level 3: Facing and loving your shadow self
    • Shadow Drum | Main Quest
    • The Shadow | Resources
  • 21
    MODULE 7 | THE ORDEAL | Level 1: making the big changes
    • Facing Changes | Main Quest
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
    • Cycle Of Change | Resource
    • Distorted Thinking | Resource
    • Why we get stuck | Resource
  • 22
    MODULE 7 | THE ORDEAL | Level 2: Designing your new narrative
    • New Narrative | Main Quest
    • Vision Boards | Resources
    • Heart's Desire Meditation | Resource
    • Explore Your Lore | Task
  • 23
    MODULE 8 | THE REWARD | Level 1: Magical gifts from the spirit realm
    • Journey Offering
  • 24
    MODULE 8 | THE REWARD | Level 2: Celebrating successes 
    • Celebrating YOU | Main Quest
    • Explore your Lore | Task
  • 25
    MODULE 9 | RETURN WITH THE ELIXER | Level 2: Offering your new found magic to the ordinary realm
    • End of this Quest ... And the Beginning of a New Story


WEEK 1 - 5
Prologue: deep dive into understanding your personal adventure
Level 1: awaken your inner hero + impacts of trauma on your narrative
Level 2:  Crystallize your values
Level 3: Unlock your super powers and archetypes
Level 4: Create your motivational motto

WEEK 6 - 8
Level 1: uncover and shift your reluctance to change
Level 2: shine light on repeated self-sabotaging patterns
Level 3: stress and anger release

WEEK 9 - 11
Level 1: overcoming your blocks
Level 2: the magic of affirmations
Level 3: developing a more loving relationship with self

WEEK 12 - 14
Level 1: visualizing a new narrative
Level 2: setting goals in all realms
Level 3: facing challenges you set

WEEK 15 - 17
Level 1: challenges as blessings and lessons
Level 2: creating and attracting healthy relationships
Level 3: authentic relating

WEEK 18 - 20
Level 1: preparing for meaningful long term change
Level 2: connecting with your inner child
Level 3: facing and loving your shadow self

WEEK 21 - 22
Level 1: making the big changes
Level 2: designing your new narrative

WEEK 23 - 24
Level 1: magical gifts from the spirit realm
Level 2: celebrating successes

WEEK 25 - 26
Level 1: discovering your purpose in this world
Level 2: offering your new found magic to the ordinary realm


There's more than just this online curriculum. Contact me to add on any of these extras :


    (Included in e-course) Lots of weekly treasures like meditations, challenges, magical PDFs, videos, audio content, interactive worksheets and lots more!


    Each month you'll get 1 in depth support session online from registered social worker and psychotherapist Chauntell Dietrich.


    2 Journeys done for you to offer you guidance from the spirit realm 6 guided drum journeys where you will receive guidance for yourself


    Meet new friends and allies during our group video sessions and receive support with connection and accountability


    3 in depth card readings from either oracle or tarot cards to offer you guidance throughout your journey


    Between sessions you will have access to support through e-mail, text and audio messages.

Your Quest Guide